Reciki Solusi Indonesia is one of Indonesia’s leading privately-owned waste management companies.
We are aiming to meet our zero-waste-to-landfill vision through our industry-leading sorting facilities that are tailored to the needs of local areas and enable recovery of value from waste. With a deep understanding of the local operating landscape, we provide a practical and scalable solution for solving the plastic pollution crisis through increasing efficiency and collaborating with stakeholders across the entire value chain.
Why partner with Reciki?
A tailor-made waste management solution to meet your city-specific waste management needs.
Reciki's waste management solutions are developed based on a comprehensive, in-depth assessment of the local situation.

Waste characteristics
Assessment of the characteristics of domestic waste produced by the community by taking into account local demographics, culinary patterns, consumption habits and culture.
Existing infrastructure and stakeholders
Assessment of existing waste management infrastructure and formal-informal waste management actors to optimize synergy.
City profile
Assessment of the population, land area, availability of recycling players and distance from communities to MRF to formulate the right MRF design for the particular city.